Sunday 6 December 2009

I lost 3 stone a year and a half ago and have kept it off with these rules - it works.

This was me, almost two years ago, Aged 20.

I weighed around 13 stone and even though I'm fairly tall, at 5ft 7, this was still far too much and it made me miserable.

Shortly after this photo was taken I decided to take action.

Initially I started by cutting my calories down to 1500, some days 1200 and alternating this.

But the one thing that REALLY made the weight fall off was completely cutting out BREAD. Not even pasta or potatoes but ONLY bread. You can still eat pasta occasionally etc, I still do. But I avoid all bread products and the weight goes on so fast!

The second thing that helped a lot in losing weight quickly was cutting down on meat. I very rarely eat meat these days and if I do I find I gain weight very fast.

And finally the most difficult but most effective rule I have found to lose weight and if you stick to this (75% of the time at maintaining weight) yuou will never p ut the weight back on-

DO NOT eat carbs after 3pm and do not eat ANYTHING after 6:30pm.

It is extremely hard to do this. But once you get into a pattern and see the results you will want to carry on.

The way I deal with this is I have a large breakfast or lunch - If I am going to eat carbs that day I eat them around 1/2pm then later on I have light dinner such as vegetables or quorn meat and veg.

This is very effective

Two other KEY things that can influence weight loss and aren't too much of an extreme measure - such as joining a gym and doing intensive workouts is - WALK at least 20minutes a day. This will aid weight loss considerably.

Drink at least 2 litres of water per day. These things are common knowledge but I have found if you combine all of the above you WILL lose weight very very quickly.

I will discuss some meal plans and good foods that I used to achieve my weight loss in a few days so please follow my blog for more updates and great tips.

This is me now at 10st 4. I am now embarking on a slighter more intense and strict regime to lose the last 10 lbs of weight and will update you on my progress.

Thanks for reading !

and this is most recently at a friends birthday with a whole new haircut and makeover!

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